Garfield Adamson


What our Customers Are Saying

Trip to Israel

My experience going to Israel was truly an amazing and wonderful blessing. Garfield did such an amazing and incredible job planning each tour and the sleeping accommodation.

I can testify that every where we went was a learning experience. Just to be in the Holy Land and walk the roads that Jesus walked was a blessing.

To be Baptized in the Jordan River where Jesus was Baptized was truly a wow experience. Seeing were Jesus was crucified, The Garden of Gethsemane, brought tears to my eyes.

Over all a very spiritual and spirit filled trip. After going, I believe it's a trip that everyone must take in their lifetime.

Would I go back with Travel Only on a Tour, simply put, YES.

C. Ambrose

Lasting Memories!

Mr. G. Adamson

I just want to congratulate you on job well done. I took a leap of faith because I know travelling is a passion of yours. In February of 2020 I visited Israel for two weeks on group tour you organized. It was exceptional ,memorable and enjoyable. The white glove treatment was an added bonus! I would recommend your services without hesitation. 5 stars in my book!!!

D. Hall

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